Friday 12 September 2014

Reordering 19. 12 September 2014

Visiting our parish church today and seeing the main lights in the church burning brightly brought a real sense of how things will look when the project is finished. The frosted glass shades will be fitted later to keep them safe. The main lights will also be fitted with dimmers, but only after they have run for up to 100 hours! The stone floors which have been laid look wonderful and the lighting brings a sense of warmth to the building (the under floor heating helps!). The oak timber floor will be laid in the nave very shortly. All in all the space looks wonderful, a worthy place in which we can worship God and to which we can welcome his flock. Your prayers for Andy (Site Agent) have helped, he is much better.
Let there be light!
…and there was light!
The glass shades will be installed at the end of the project.
The Holy Spirit looks down (she doesn't need the ladder!).
The sun shining into the processional way.
The entrance to the Parish Room under the new canopy.

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