Saturday 30 August 2014

Reordering 17. 29 August 2014

Here are the latest pictures from the reordering of Our Lady and St Patrick's Church in Teignmouth. The underfloor heating is now working (it was lovely and warm on Friday) and the lighting is being installed. The work to the processional way on the west side of the church is continuing with the final items of carpentry (front door and door from presbytery to church). The window frames are installed and waiting to be fitted with glass. The decorating is almost complete. The next big change will be when the floors are laid (oak for the nave and stone for the sanctuary and entrances). Please continue to pray for all those involved in the project (especially Andy, our site manager, who is not well).
The lighting to the west aisle.
Ok it's a fuse box, but if you'd seen the old one…!
The reredos and tabernacle.
The redecorated carvings of the evangelists at the base of the pulpit.
Which one does this represent?
The font looks extremely fine in its new position.

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