Thursday 2 April 2015

The parish newsletter and all information about the parish of All Saints will now appear on the parish website

Thank you for supporting this blog in the past.

God bless.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Saturday 10 January 2015

Dedication of the Altar at Our Lady and St Patrick's. 18 January 2015

On Sunday 18 January Rt Rev Mark O'Toole, Bishop of Plymouth will visit our parish and dedicate the altar in the Church of Our Lady and St Patrick. This ritual action will be the final act of the process of reordering and refurbishing our parish church which has taken nearly five years of planning and execution. It will be an occasion of great solemnity and beauty, one of the richest liturgies of the Church. We hope that this short document (above) will help to explain some of the actions which will be witnessed and their significance as well as the powerful significance of the altar at the centre of our worship. Please pray for our parish and the members of our parish family who have contributed so much to this project and who worship and celebrate in this beautiful and sacred space.

Newsletter 11 January. The Baptism of the Lord


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