Friday 19 December 2014

Friday 7 November 2014

Reordering 28. 9 November 2014

The paving in the side courtyard is complete.
The slope is much more friendly .
The view from under the canopy.
What a floor! It was being swept this afternoon ready to be sealed on Monday.
More floor! This time looking south towards the organ loft.
Our Lady in her new position by the north entrance.
She welcomes us with open arms.
The sanctuary (with more of that floor!).

Friday 31 October 2014

Newsletter 2 November 2014

Reordering 27. 31 October 2014The

The new paving is being laid in the garden at the side of the church.
It enhances the space beautifully and makes it look much bigger.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Reordering 20 October 2014

The new steps to the tabernacle and reredos.
The new steel in the cloister which will be topped with an oak handrail.
The new door from the presbytery to the cloister.
The beautiful North window of the sanctuary.

Friday 17 October 2014

Newsletter 19 October 2014

Reordering 25. 17 October 2014

The 'cloister' from the garden. In the foreground
are the setts with which the courtyard will be paved
The cloister from the sacristy adorned with the two
existing stained glass windows which look very fine.
Fitting the stone nosings to the reredos steps.
The same stone will be used to edge the base of the font. 
The new sacristy cupboard which houses the mechanical and
electrical installation (and give us somewhere to put things!). 
Looking towards the sacristy door from the side entrance.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Reordering 24. 8 October 2014

Looking east towards the processional way or 'cloister'. Tiling the floor.
The light flooding into the church from the cloister.
Fixing the skirting by the font.
The door to the cloister from the side garden.
The 'parliament' hinges which allow the doors of the tea-point to open flat against the wall.

Newsletter 12 October 2014

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Reordering 23. 7 October 2014

The processional way from the side garden.
The canopy over the Parish Room entrance.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Reordering 22. 30 September

Now we can see our new entrance standing very proud.
The plasterers are in the processional way and doing a great job.
Mark, the tiler, placing the last nosing stone to the sanctuary steps.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Reordering 21. 23 September 2014

The oak floor is being laid and looks magnificent.
The colour of the oak complements the other elements of the design beautifully.
The zinc roof over the processional way and canopy over presbytery front door.
The zinc roof looking east towards the church.
Furniture fitted to the new oak door to the tea point.


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