Friday 24 September 2010

You are invited…

This week's newsletter.

This weekend we celebrate Home Mission Sunday.

We remember that the mission to spread the Good News is not about being a long way off, but right on our doorstep.

There will be a retiring collection for the work of the Home Mission Desk of the Bishop's Conference.

May God bless you and yours.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

With all the excitement of the Pope's visit last week I forgot to post this week's newsletter! Sorry!

Here it is. Better late than never.

God bless.

Saturday 11 September 2010

This week we welcome Pope Benedict XIV to the United Kingdom. This is an historic visit which, we pray, will bring many blessings to our countries and a renewal of faith amongst all communities.

The Holy Father's coat of arms appears on the front of this week's newsletter. Why not spend some time, perhaps with your children, trying to work out what the various elements of the heraldry mean. (you can find a full explanation on the Vatican website!)

Have a great week!

Sunday 5 September 2010

We are considering re-ordering the Church of Our Lady and St Patrick in Teignmouth.

This document is designed to be a stimulus for the conversation we will all have in the coming months about how we use our church building and how it can be enhanced to enable us to continue to celebrate the liturgy with dignity and relevance.

Please do read it carefully so you can contribute to the conversation and consider downloading the documents from the Liturgy Office which are mentioned herein.

Friday 3 September 2010

This week's parish Newsletter.

Have a good week everyone, especially if you're going back to school, college or university. May this term and academic year be a time of blessing and grace for you (and us) all.

Many Blessings to you all.
